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Rizaev J. A., Khazratov A. I., Furkatov Sh. F., Muxtorov A. A., Ziyadullaeva M. S.


Currently, individual of the principal justifications for the patient's treatment of behaviour towards to the dentist are periodontic diseases, videlicet gingival recessional [2, 9]. The originators of severals disseminations communication a imagination to aggrandizement the ubiquitousness of parodont afflictions and this pathology, which scopes from 23 to 99,3 % [4, 5, 7, 8, 13]. The ubiquitousness and concentration of this affliction are as the crow flies proportionate to the generation of patients and reach 99. 7% in the pornographic inhabitant [5]. This affliction is an imperative examination and collective disputed point today, on account of gingival recessional furnishes to the emergence of operational anthropoid disorders. moreover, in the non-appearance of treatment of behaviour towards and the succession of the disease, the exploitation of the affliction buoy cutting edge to the deprivation of the bone as an organ. The accrued aesthetical qualifications of the patients constitute this disputed point all the more bounteous imperative at the contemporaneous time, on account of the chew recessional is individual of the afflictions that negatively influence the philosophies of the face, and as a result the intellectual sovereign state of a individual [9]. The principal grievances of patients search alveolar consternation are hypersensitivity of the sets and "elongation" of the coronets of the sets [12]. aetiological constituents of gingival recessional are dual-laned into contributing and causal. The implicit constituents consist of distressing (tooth brushing, piercing, orthodontic treatment of behaviour towards distressing occlusion, restorations), bacterial (marginal and periapical lesions), viral (herpes simplex virus, etc.), composed (trauma and infection) [12]. Predisposing constituents consist of anorexic chew biotype, inadequate proportion of committed gum, idiosyncrasies of anatomical and structural constitution of periodontic interweaves (degeneration and fenestration, well-defined vestibular situation of the root), etc. [3, 6, 10, 11]. Today, the disputed point is that severals patients, and bounteous recurrently dentists themselves, do not focus their consideration on the ahead of time demonstrations of this pathology, when it is accomplishable to altogether annihilate the recessional and make restitution the publication of keratinized gums [1, 14]. in consequence ahead of time designation of gingival recessional is extraordinarily important.

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How to Cite
Rizaev J. A., Khazratov A. I., Furkatov Sh. F., Muxtorov A. A., Ziyadullaeva M. S. (2023). CLINICAL AND RADIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PERIODONTIC INTERWEAVES IN PATIENTS WITH CHEW RECESSIONAL. European Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development, 11, 36–41. Retrieved from