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Experts say that the culture of speech forms the skills of a person to think creatively and independently, to express his opinion fluently in oral and written form. Especially those of the profession engaged in pedagogical activity should have a high level of oratory skills. The teacher's resonant voice, ability to attract, clear and expressive explanation of topics serve to increase the effectiveness of training. The culture of human speech has long been given great attention. This is no coincidence. Because this is a sign of his erudition, intelligence, morality, knowledge. Having a culture of speech is success in society, prestige, perspective, promotion at work. And if there is no educator, it is obliged to master the culture of speech. The peculiarity of the teaching profession is in constant active contact with other people. The activity of the teacher is aimed at the formation of the personality of the student, the formation of certain rules of behavior, mental development. The article studied pedagogically that speech culture is the main criterion of Education.