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Anas abdulsalam Mustafa alassaf
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ayça Kurnaz Türkben


In this work, you will see that we propose to monitor the network system on the basis of the authorized agent because of the effective control in reducing the downtime of the network in order to ensure its continuity and improve its quality and in order to reduce complications and intruders working and others. This proposal for the network system includes monitoring the network and its services and we work on making adjustments independently without interference And the control of adding and deleting users and the ability to distribute monitoring and its tasks to agents, where this proposed system can monitor the management of local networks and the Internet, where the agent monitors events on the network and works to collect information from all parts of the network and deals directly with the server So that it will work on converting it into dedicated pages that display data in real time for the administrator, where he will collect data and monitor the events taking place on the network according to a scheduling system established by the network manager and continue to send this data to the server to alert and work on it when errors occur, with the possibility of providing the ability to take Decisions without consulting the administration, as this system is designed to be general in all types of networks. In other words, it can be used in managing and monitoring passive or active networks, and it can be worked on in local and global networks.

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How to Cite
Anas abdulsalam Mustafa alassaf, & Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ayça Kurnaz Türkben. (2023). CREATE AN EFFECTIVE AGENT-BASED NETWORK MONITORING SYSTEM. European Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development, 16, 145–154. Retrieved from